Run Your Pool

Run Your Pool is an online service for managing sports pools. Anyone can choose a game on this portal and invite others to join. A unique feature of the service is that there are multiple games available in the portal, and users can pick from one or more than one to play. The Run Your Pool is, as its name suggests, which means that the game can only be played in the pool.


Logging into your pool is fun and easy with Run Your Pool. If you have an active account at the Run your Pool football match and other sports, you can join. The portal lets you stream sports matches in a pool. As soon as you join a pool, you can quickly get set up so that your pool can start within minutes.

  It’s easy to set up an account and easy for the players to use if you haven’t already done so. You can invite over 1000 players to join the pool. You can utilize every penny you spend on Run Your Pool.

Get Assistance

Pool commissioners can use the Run Your Pool App services for a small fee. Members do not have to pay. The pool commissioner agrees to either pay the full-service fee (after the free trial period) or have access to their pool revoked until Run Your Pool receives full payment.

What Is The Registration Process For RunYourPool?

Almost anyone can become a member of the portal. Members must create accounts on the site to do so. A new account can be created if you do not already have one. Users of Run Your Pool can host private games such as pro football, basketball, golf, soccer, and hockey, as well as pool and prediction games. Register or sign up using the information below.

  • The first step in the process is to visit the official Run Your Pool Login website at
  • You can start a pool by clicking Start A Pool on the homepage.
  • To continue, you must choose the sport and category of your choice.
  • The next step is to enter the Pool Name, pool objective, and the starting week for the pool. As soon as you fill out the details, click the start a pool button, and a registration form will appear.
  • You must enter your first name, last name, display name, email address, username, and password on the registration page.
  • You have successfully registered yourself once you have completed all these steps.

For registration to be complete, administrators must also accept the terms of service outlined. As important pool information will be sent via email, please provide a valid email address. The private pool members will also be required to provide similar information when they join.

Run Your Pool Login Procedure

The Run Your Pool Login website offers pool commissioners a web-based platform to create, host, and manage sports/pop-culture pools. They run all of their pools privately and at the sole discretion of the pool commissioner, who controls and has access to all settings, rules, picks, and other elements associated with the pool.


Those who join a private pool accept that the pool commissioner has full control over the pool, and must address any concerns directly with them.  Here is the Run Your Pool Login Process:

  • The official Run Your Pool website can be found at
  • The Log In button is located in the top-right corner of the official website.
  • A login form will appear when you click on that button.
  • Enter your username or email address in the first field and your password in the second.
  • The final step is to log in by clicking on the login button.

How To Join A Pool On RunYourPool Sign In Portal?

Run Your Pool is very easy to start and join. Following the below steps will make it easier for you to join a pool:

  • From your device, visit the official Run Your Pool website.
  • Click on the Join a Pool option.
  • To join the pool, you must enter the pool details. Enter your Pool ID in the first field and your pool password in the second field.
  • After entering the details, click on the continue button, and follow the subsequent steps to join the pool.

The pool commissioner should have provided you with a link that allows you to bypass the above-given steps. To obtain your pool ID and password, or the join link, please contact your pool commissioner (or another pool member).

How Do I Start A New Pool?

It is easy to start a new pool. Complete the Pool Setup form, including choosing your pool’s specific settings. Once you complete the form, you should receive an email containing a link to confirm your pool. Before you can log in, you will need to confirm your pool.

Run-Your-Pool-Start-A-Pool only offers private pools. The pool commissioner’s responsibility is to let friends, family, and coworkers know that the pool is up and running and how they can join. Run Your Pool Login portal streamlines this process by sending you a confirmation e-mail with a special section attached. It contains all the information potential pool members need to join your pool. This information is also available in your pool’s Commissioner Console under the ‘Invite Instructions’ link.

In case you accidentally archived your pool, you can restore it by logging into your commissioner account and clicking on the Pool Memberships link at the top right of the site. Afterward, expand the archived memberships section of your pool memberships listing. Select ‘Options’ and then ‘Unarchive’.

Official NameRun Your Pool
Mobile AppAvailable
Primary ServiceFantasy Pools
Salient FeaturesCreate and Join Sports Pools

Accessible Features

Automatic Updates

In contrast to other pool management software, Run Your Pool updates game results and other reports automatically, so pool members are not required to do so.

Modify Picks

While creating the pool, the pool commissioner sets the deadline for picks. Hence, you can modify your picks right until that deadline. Just in case if you forget to do that, you can send your picks to the pool commissioner and request them to consider them.

Access Reports

You can view some of the available reports on the Run Your Pool information page for each type of pool. However, these samples represent just a small portion of the reports you will see when you create your pool. The best way to view the available information is to take a free test drive of the pool type you’re interested in. There are no obligations. To improve the experience of our customers, they will be adding new reports regularly.


Refund Policy

Most pools do not require payment until after the event associated with your pool starts, so if you’re not 100% sure you’ll run it, please do not pay yet. The sale is final once payment is submitted (no refunds), however, in rare cases, a website credit may be issued.

Use The Same Pool

You don’t need to create a new pool every season since you can use the existing one. Your pool settings and members are maintained from season to season, and you have several choices for maintaining members. Using a previous pool season also prevents pool members from being confused about which account to use, where to enter picks, etc. By going to Commissioner Console, and then Edit Pool Settings, you can change all pool settings (including the pool name, if it has a year in it).

Benefits You Can Avail

Run Your Pool has so many unique features and benefits that it is almost impossible to get bored. It is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface, making it easy for you to access the website. Below are a few benefits of the Run Your Pool portal.

  • The Pool is easy to set up as it requires no specific expertise, and anyone can set it up quickly and without any hassle.
  • You can play multiple pools at a single point in time during the first week of the pool.
  • A configuration option is available in various variants so that the member can customize multiple settings through the portal.
  • Since everything is online, members do not need to keep up with every update.
  • The Run Your Pool portal will be automatically updated with every update.
  • There is also a report based on real-time data on the portal.
  • Additionally, members can communicate privately on the private message board.

How To Reset Your Account Credentials?

You must remember your credentials in order to access your Run Your Pool account. Access your account by referring to the following information if you have forgotten your credentials.

Forgot Password

In case you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by following the steps below:

  • From your device, visit the official Run Your Pool website.
  • Log in by clicking the login button in the top-right corner.
  • Below the login form, you will see the “Having trouble logging in?” link. Click on that to move further.
  • A new page will open where you have to select the first option saying “I forgot my password.”
  • Once you’ve entered your username, click “Go.”
  • You will receive an email to reset your password.


Forgot Username and Password

Suppose you have lost both your username and password, then you can restore your Run Your Pool account by following these steps:

  • Visit the official Run Your Pool Login website at
  • Open the login page by clicking the login button.
  • Then, click on the ‘having trouble logging in?’ link found at the bottom of the login widget.
  • Select the option that reads ‘I forgot my username and password’ on the next page.
  • An email with your username and password recovery instructions will be sent to the email address associated with your Run Your Pool Login account.

If you are still having trouble logging in after trying all the options above, please send them a message, and they will assist you as best as they can.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to change the name of my pool?

Definitely, go to the Commissioner Console, select Pool Settings, and then Basic Settings once you are logged in as the commissioner. The Pool Name is one of the settings there.

What kind of reports is available for my pool?

You can view some of the available reports on the pool information page for the type of pool you’re interested in. You will see many more reports when you start your pool, but these are just a few examples. You can view the available reports by taking a free test drive of the pool type you’re interested in. There is no obligation. New reports will be added on a regular basis in an effort to improve the site for our customers.

For standings and other reports to be updated, do I need to update game results?

Not at all. You don’t need to worry about updating your site. They don’t require you to enter results, generate reports, and then upload them to a website like other pool management software.

Run Your Pool accepts what forms of payment?

Currently, Run Your Pool accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. They accept payments online only. Payment is only accepted by credit cards and not by PayPal, checks, or money orders.

Is it possible for a member to have more than one account?

Commissioners can decide whether to limit members to one entry per member or allow multiple entries. If your settings permit multiple entries, members are given the option to create additional entries when logging in and from their entries page. Members should not have to repeat the Run Your Pool joining process.

Closing Remarks

The Run Your Pool Login is an online portal designed by Run Your for its members. You will need to sign in to your account if you have a subscription to Run Your Pool. Upon logging in, you will have the ability to create a pool, invite members, choose your pool’s format, and set the parameters.

Run Your Pool allows you to play fantasy sports together with your friends, family, and coworkers. You can also download the Run Your Pool App to access your account. Several different sports are available for you to choose from, so you won’t get bored quickly. If you have any questions about the Run Your Pool portal, you can call them, and they will respond as soon as possible.