Pool Management

Run Your Pool provides pool hosting services for a wide range of sports. On the portal, you can create a new pool or join an existing one. Registering on the official website is necessary before you can do either one of those things.


The pool commissioner is responsible for pool management. Members can be added or removed, deadlines can be set, picks can be approved, and the pool commissioner can change email addresses. In the following section, more information about pool management will be discussed.

Pool Management GuideĀ 

Number of Members

Each commission can decide whether to limit members to a single entry or to allow multiple entries. When your settings allow multiple entries, members can create additional entries when they log in as well as from their entries page.

Add or Remove Commissioners

Commissioners can also add or remove commissioners. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to your pool
  • Go to Member Management in the Commissioner Console.
  • Choose the member you want to be a commissioner and click their row.
  • Check the checkbox next to Commissioner in the edit popup.

Additionally, you can remove a Commissioner if there are already multiple commissioners, but you cannot remove yourself. A secondary commissioner must remove you if you no longer want to be a commissioner.

Invite Members

Follow these steps to invite people to join your pool:

  • Enter your pool using your Commissioner username and password.
  • Select New Members in the Commissioner Console, then click Invite Instructions.
  • You have several options, but ultimately all use the same join link that can be distributed however you like (email, Facebook, etc.). Your potential members won’t need to know the pool ID or password since this link already contains them. By clicking the link, they will be able to create their membership in your pool.